Abandoned Industrial Multi-Building Factory Part I

Inside the factory yard. All images have been tweaked in Lightroom 6.

This industrial building complex houses a mix of former businesses that all started from nine tenants built and started in the 1800s before being taken over by one company 89 years later. The various three-story buildings housed and manufactured various products such as cotton, buttons, embroiders and steel. A once booming business tenant centered complex now just sits decaying. This site is perfect for the urban explorer trifecta and a few more. Easy access, far from residential houses, little to no foot traffic, surrounded by commercial businesses, abuts a train line and every now and then vehicular traffic. However, the property still has an existing power line service to the right uppermost building. How did I know this? The buzzing emanating from the electrical meter was very telling. This building is locked and may possess past chemical storage, business assets or industrial equipment.  The security service signage was prominently displayed on the door but my companions weren't interested investigating further if it brought local police on top of us. We tried accessing the building through other means but it was boarded up pretty tight.

You can see that building in the upper left hand side here.

At the end of the complex looking South or East??

Burned Three Story Building
Building Arsonist Results

The middle of the property houses the remains of the building entrance, destroyed by an arsonist. The left side of the building is still fully intact with its long warehouse hallways and past life as a humming commercial business that once thrived. The site also may still be a income generating asset to the current property owner due to a rather large advertisement board for passing commuters existing on the property.

Factory Roof Overlooking Other Buildings
Factory Real Estate Views.
You can see the advertisement signage gangway on the right.

Nonetheless, I have visited this property twice and have found it to be relatively unscathed of precious metal surgery, destruction of walls save the common markings of famous and unknown graffiti artists, and local dumping. On the second visit, some mischievous teenagers/adults had broken many windows in the locked building, on the side street, collecting on the very road commuters pass. This does nothing but put notice to the owner or local police that criminal mischief and vandalism is rampant. This doesn't need to be if people would stop vandalizing abandoned places for everyone's sake. What surprises me about this place is that from the outside it looks like an active site from the outside if you were to drive past a certain street of the site but on the other side street you have the tell tale signs of an abandoned property.

Factory Attic Storage Room
Factory Attic Storage Cage

Surprisingly enough we came upon the remnants of a pass squatter who slept in the corner of the middle building. An ominous shoe, a bed spread, a child chair and a blanket. The absentee squatter had chosen a good place to rest because that certain spot blocked off the elements of the weather, wind and noise of the building. To access the passageway to it, we had to roll a giant heavy door that took a bit of elbow grease to push. Unfortunately, I didn't take a photo of the small room.

Long passageway with pipe in the middle
The passageway to the absentee squatter room.

If I ever pass again through this town, I will probably revisit the site and explore the defunct building I didn't get to explore on my second visit. On my first visit here, two friends of ours broke off the group and explored the building and found computers and business equipment inside.

Stay tuned for Part II. 


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