
Showing posts from June, 2024

Chinatown's Doyers Street 'Rice Terraces' Mural

  Three years have passed since this street alley, then a vibrant canvas of explosive colors, first dazzled our social media feeds in 2021. At that time, its striking transformation evolved into a visual symphony that captures the essence of urban artistry. As I finally share my photographs and reflections on this phenomenon, it's evident that New York City should embrace more of these expressive and entertaining artistic endeavors. Such projects not only captivate but also inspire countless individuals to witness their splendor firsthand. Art holds an indispensable role in society, particularly in times that call for deeper introspection, love, community, and openness. Amid the backdrop of global upheavals—chaotic uprisings, protests, political coups, inflation, joblessness, xenophobia, mass migration, and endless wars—the need for art becomes even more pronounced. In these turbulent times, we all need a moment to pause, breathe, and internalize the transformative power of art, of

Wolff-Alport Chemical Company Demolished For Cleanup

  It was a quiet afternoon, just over a month ago, when I set out to explore one of New York City's last remaining Superfund sites—a relic from an era when the city played a clandestine role in nuclear weapons production. This long-abandoned facility, hidden within the urban sprawl, had been slated for demolition for years, yet it stood stubbornly untouched until now. My journey took me to the terminus of Irving Avenue, where it meets Moffat Street. Here, amidst a subtle curve, lay a surprisingly tranquil industrial pocket—an urban explorer’s dream. The lack of foot traffic and the general stillness of the area made it an ideal spot for discreet investigation. Standing before the site, I was tempted to scale the tall green barriers that marked its perimeter. These fences, familiar from countless other urban explorations, usually posed little deterrent. But this location was different. The threat here wasn't merely physical; it was radiological. The site was contaminated with ra

Former Crown Heights Consumers Park Brewery

  In the annals of exploration, there are triumphs and then there are the tales that find their place in the losing column, etched as reminders of what might have been. Such is the story of my failed attempts to witness firsthand the historical significance of two cherished hometown landmarks in 2023. Among them stands the Empire State Dairy on Atlantic Avenue, a place steeped in the essence of bygone eras, where my endeavors ended in frustration and missed opportunity. The second of my momentous failures unfolded within the walls of the Empire State Dairy . I hope others managed to breach its confines, while my own infiltration efforts fell short, leaving me estranged from its secrets. I lingered in my absence until news reached me, like an echo of finality, that the property was slated for redevelopment. It was a bitter realization, underscored by the fervent new buildings going up all over New York City like mushrooms. The first of my momentous failures occurred with the last old hi

Temco Uniforms Company Facility

In Rockland County, the site of the former Temco Uniforms facility tells a story of industrial ambition and environmental oversight. This 2.6-acre area, framed by Samsondale Avenue and shadowed by an active rail line, has transitioned from a bustling manufacturing hub to a focal point of environmental concern. Originally developed in 1958, this single-story, 32,000-square-foot building was the birthplace of Modern Filters, Inc., a company dedicated to producing vacuum bags, tape, and labels. The industrial prowess of the era was palpable, as these products were essential to a booming post-war economy. By 1985, the building took on a new life with Temco Uniform Company Inc., which transformed the space into a sophisticated facility for manufacturing, washing, and dry cleaning uniforms. For 17 years, the company was a cornerstone of the local economy, embedding itself in the fabric of the community until its operations ceased in May 2002. However, the legacy of these operations has been